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Dzikim Okiem
Oct 2, 202213 min read
Fiji - The Republic of Happy People 2❤️❤️
But did they feel poor from their point of view ?! Probably not. They just don't need anything more to live there. They have their land and
Dzikim Okiem
Sep 2, 202213 min read
Fiji - The Republic of Happy People ❤️
But it's not history, beautiful beaches, charming little islands, colorful reef or wonderful greenery that stole our hearts, but... people.
Dzikim Okiem
Aug 18, 202210 min read
Second Great Australian Expedition. Part. 4 Ocean, Mountains and Valleys.
The original name of this place was "The sow and piglets", but it was too "unattractive" so the authorities renamed it. Although there were
Dzikim Okiem
Jul 5, 20227 min read
Second Great Australian Expedition. Part 3 - The beauty of Victoria.
The forest took a dark green color and thickened significantly, huge, almost tropical ferns appeared, and the air was smelled of damp earth.
Dzikim Okiem
Apr 6, 20229 min read
Second Great Australian Expedition. P. 2 The only Mad Max museum in the world!
It is definitely worth experiencing!
It is no longer about the museum itself, it is more about the road trip to this museum. That is the mos
Dzikim Okiem
Feb 8, 20223 min read
Second Great Australian Expedition. Part 1 Road to Broken Hill.
That's why we decided to go to the desert. Generally, you don't go to Australian outback in summer, because the temperatures can literally
Dzikim Okiem
Oct 15, 202110 min read
Day eleven and twelfth - The End of the 1st AU Expedition and a few words from polish squad!
we traveled some 4,000 kilometers in 11 days, including two days of diving on the Great Barrier Reef, two days of rest in a magical white
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